We offer our clients high quality bespoke design from concept development to technical projects and construction management. Our team has long-term experience in architecture, interior design and object design both in theory and practice.

We pay high attention to detail, artistry as well as the philosophy behind the forms we create.

We strive to create | search | experiment with a better space for living.

Urban Design & Master

Urban Design and Redevelopment Planning

Street Scalping , Pavement and Parking Design

Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Design

Rain Water Harvesting Design

Mechanical Planning

Infrastructure Planning

Interior Design

Interior & Furniture & Acoustic Design

Soft Accessories and Art

Signage and Graphics

Internal Signage and Graphics

Selection and Design of Art Objects

Objects Installation


Foundation study for different types of structures at different sub-soil conditions

Case Study on different ground improvement techniques & grout-ability for different types of soil

Seismic analysis, liquefaction potential study of sub-soil

Slope-Stability Analysis for Embankments, Dams

Design of sheet piles, different types of retaining walls etc

Architectural & Allied Engineering

Architecture and Structure Systems

Electrical Systems

Sanitation/Water Supply/Waste Disposal Systems

Air Conditioning/Air Cooling/Ventilation Systems

Fire Fighting System Security Systems

Data Networks/Communication/Audio-Visual Systems

Lighting Design

Elevators / Escalators/Freight Movement Systems

Electrical Substation and External Cabling

Project Co-ordination & Management

Feasibility Studies/Project Development

Preparation of Estimates/BOQ/Specifications/Tender

Co-ordination between Various Associated Consultants

Assistance for Permissions & approvals

Quality Control and Measurements Checking

Final Inspection of Work

Contractor's Bill Certification

Co-ordination, Scheduling and Monitoring

Selection Process for Contractors

Engineering Survey

Topographical Survey with DGPS, GPS & Total Stations

Leveling by Digital Level & Auto Level instruments

Profiling, Contouring, Leveling, Curve setting, etc.

Route alignment for roads, bridges, pipelines, power lines etc.

NDT on RCC Structure

Rebound Hammer Test

Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test (UPV)

Half Cell Potentiometer Test (CANIN+)

Surface Resistivity Test (RESIPOD)

Rebar Location Test (Cover Meter Test)

Core Cutting and Testing (Core Testing)

Vibration Parameters measuring

Why Choose Us

GIDS ENGINEERING is committed to helping its clients reach their goals, to personalizing their event experiences, to providing an innovative environment, and to making a difference.


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